Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Things I Cherish That I Sometimes Take for Granted....

I thought I would share some things with you that I love and cherish with my family that I might sometimes take for granted. When I sit down and really think about things I realize how much the Lord has truly blessed me.

1) Laying on Robert's shoulder.
2) The quick tender kiss as he leaves for work in the mornings.
3) The smell of his jacket with his cologne.
4) His laughter that fills the house when he gets tickled by something on the tv.
5) Robert kissing my forehead. (My absolute favorite!)
6) The look that only him & I share that says everything we're thinking without having to speak a word.

7) The girls laughter throughout the house.
8) Harley & Ashley hanging out in their bedrooms putting on make-up.
9) Seeing scary movies with Shelby and our special talks that we have.
10) The smell of their fresh skin from a shower.
11) Taking Harley to school and having special talks with her.
12) Shelby cuddling in the bed with me right before she has to go to bed and neither of us having to say a word.

13) Hammy's puppy breath.
14) The smell and softness of Hammy's fur.
15) The unconditional love & always having an overwhelming excitement to see me.
16) Hammy's security of having his stuff puppy and we have to search for it before bedtime before he has to go to sleep.

These are just a few things I cherish.

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