Shelby has gone to Arkansas Baptist (private school) since K4. She's been at this school for 11 years. Same kids pretty much for each grade. Well Shelby was ready for a change that I have had to literally pray about each day for her. I told her the ONLY public school I would allow her to go to would be Parkview. That if she can't get in then she had to stay at Arkansas Baptist. Arkansas Baptist doesn't have a strong art department and Shelby is really into her drawing. She's very good as well. Parkview has a strong art department. You may be saying well Pamela hearing and being in God's word is more important then art. Yes that's very true. Shelby is really grounded in roots with Arkansas Baptist, is a leader, she's not easily persuaded from what she believes, and I think she will be able to do this. I went at the end of November or beginning of December to apply for her to go to Parkview. It's the scariest thing I've done. We also took Shelby on a tour and again it was scary. Like I said I had to pray every day for this. I made Shelby's first choice Visual Arts, 2nd choice Choir, and 3rd choice Drama (you get 3 choices of area of interest at Parkview). Parkview is also a magnet school.
My prayer has simply been this: Lord if it's meant to be I will put my faith in you. If you want her to go there to do good work for you then I'm behind it. If she can bring one kid to know you as their Savior, then it's worth it.
Well I guess the Lord heard it and feels what I pray and Shelby is #4 on the waiting list. We had to hope that she would be 3 to 5 on waiting list to know she had a chance to get in, and she's #4!!!!!! Hallejuah!!!! Shelby knows who her Savior is and accepted Jesus in her heart when she was in 2nd grade. She's an awesome kid.
Here are a couple of pics to show you how truly excited she is!

How cute!

Way to go Shelby! I'm excited to see what the Lord has planned for you! I love you baby girl! Keep your head up high!
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