I wanted to take a moment and recap 2008. I wanted to share our many blessings we have had this past year.
January - Robert & Shelby were in a wreck on January 18th. We count our blessings everyday that they were able to walk away from the wreck with just bruises and soreness. Shelby had us worried when they took her by ambulance, but God had His hands on her the whole time. God held this worried mother/wife up when she wanted to fall completely apart after witnessing the wreck (see blog from 1/18). God is so good.

May - We found our new church home at New Life Church. We love the warmness and welcome that we received. We love hearing what Pastor Rick is going to preach about. The kids love their groups that they are involved with.
August - Our family vacation!!! We had such a great time! We went to Eureka Springs.

Shelby turned 14!

And Hammy turned 2!!

September - Robert and I celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary! Hallejuah!! :) I am married to my best friend, and the greatest hubby!
October - Robert celebrated his birthday (won't tell you how old!) on October 8th. And unfortunately my best friend Teresa's house caught on fire the same day! They've come a long ways, but still have a ways to go to getting their own place again. They feel blessed that no one was hurt and I feel incredibly blessed that I could help them out AND that I still have my best friend around. :''-)
We also started our life group and have made many new friends and feel so blessed to be involved with this life group.
November - Well I got to celebrate my 34th birthday! The teenagers in Shelby's Real Life group thinks I look so young and that I'm Shelby's sister. So yes I will admit my age for now. :)
Ashley turned 11!!

And we got to share Thanksgiving with our family for another year!
December - Harley turned 12 and can now wear make-up!!!

We got to celebrate Christmas with our family on Christmas day with a family get together for the 1st time in our new home!

And we got to finish out 2008 with our new friends with our Life Group Hand and Foot! Plus it was our first big party in our new home!

I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for us Floyd's this year! Hopefully it will be a year of peace, harmony, and love.
Happy New Year Everyone!
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