One year ago was Robert's wreck. Shelby was with him, and I was driving in front of them. In my rear view mirror I saw the whole accident happen. As I shared before the good Lord carried me as I got out of my van and realized that Robert's truck had rolled over to the driver's side. He carried me down there as I cried and screamed NO! To see them alive and to hear my sweet girl scream for me and cry was music to my ears. No I didn't want my child to be hurt and scared, but to know she was alive since she took the impact was worth hearing her scream for me. The Lord held me up while I held Robert up because all he could say was he hurt his baby. The truck did have emotional value to us because Robert's dad got it 3 months before he died and Robert was lucky that his brother and sister decided to let him have it. At least Robert got to drive his dad's truck from May 2007 until January of 2008. I know Neal had to be riding with him some. :) I wanted to post the pic one more time as a reminder to myself and everyone else how easily they both could've been hurt, especially Shelby. How I feel incredibly lucky and count my blessings every day that the good Lord did not take my best friend and He didn't take my baby girl. He's not done with them here on Earth just yet. :)

Prayer request: Jill Hamilton (Senior Associate Pastor's wife at our church) - We just found out this past week-end she has cancer. It has not been made known what type. Dennis in our Hand and Foot Group - His dad's kidneys quit functioning and so it's getting close to him passing on. Myself - I have been having some issues with my stomach and being cold all the time. Right now I'm just logging my symptoms in a book but it's been going on awhile.
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