Saturday, January 31, 2009
Somewhere Over the Rainbow Quick Post
Just wanted to explain the new song I added to my playlist that now plays first. This is a Hawaiian sound melody and I love it! It's got a mixture of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and What A Wonderful World. I first heard this song when I was big in to watching ER and Mark Green had past away. I cried my eyes out when his daughter put the headphones on him after their I love you's and such and he drifted away. I always love hearing this song.
Puppy Park
We have found a new fun thing to do with Hammy. We have now taken him to the puppy park at Burns Park twice. This time I remembered my camera. I did not know puppy parks exist! I love seeing Hammy getting so excited to see other pups and getting to see all kinds of dogs.

Here's Hammy and some of the pups at the park today.

The first time we took Hammy we didn't take a water bottle. This time we remembered to take one.

This dog looked just like Benji. It's a girl, and her name is Dakota. Funny how we get to know some of the dogs and their owners. :)

Robert and his boy, Hammy.

My sweet, precious little boy. I love him completely, even with his fur. :)

Here's Hammy and some of the pups at the park today.

The first time we took Hammy we didn't take a water bottle. This time we remembered to take one.

This dog looked just like Benji. It's a girl, and her name is Dakota. Funny how we get to know some of the dogs and their owners. :)

Robert and his boy, Hammy.

My sweet, precious little boy. I love him completely, even with his fur. :)

Friday, January 30, 2009
Bri Turns 10!!
My best friend of over 20+ years, Teresa, her daughter had a birthday party tonight. She is a groundhog baby, but we celebrated early. I have loved being a part of Teresa's girls lives. Bri is turning the big 10!! No more single digits. :(
Bri's party was at Jump Zone. I got some good and funny pics of the party tonight.

This is me and Teresa. I don't know what I would do without her all these years.

This is me and the birthday girl Bri! Both Teresa's girls look like her. I can't get over that!

Me and Robert!

The yummy cupcakes!!

Here's a funny! This was used to weighed down the balloons. Ken said this was all he could fine. I just laughed and had to take a pic.
Here are a couple of funny pics of Teresa and I!

This was a blow up slide of Titanic. We were acting like we were holding it up.

Here are some cute pics of Ashley & Harley!

It was a great time! I got other pics, but didn't want to put too much on here! :) Oh by the way I got My Weightloss Coach for my Nintendo DS tonight! Can't wait to try it out!! :)
Bri's party was at Jump Zone. I got some good and funny pics of the party tonight.

This is me and Teresa. I don't know what I would do without her all these years.

This is me and the birthday girl Bri! Both Teresa's girls look like her. I can't get over that!

Me and Robert!

The yummy cupcakes!!

Here's a funny! This was used to weighed down the balloons. Ken said this was all he could fine. I just laughed and had to take a pic.
Here are a couple of funny pics of Teresa and I!

This was a blow up slide of Titanic. We were acting like we were holding it up.

Here are some cute pics of Ashley & Harley!

It was a great time! I got other pics, but didn't want to put too much on here! :) Oh by the way I got My Weightloss Coach for my Nintendo DS tonight! Can't wait to try it out!! :)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
800 Steps
Like I said yesterday, I totally love my Wii Fit. Tonight I unlocked a new step excercise called Free Step. I chose to do 800 steps in 10 minutes. I walked over 800 steps!!! In fact is was more like 965 steps!! I could not believe I did that. It made me feel so good!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Light & Wii Fit & Bible Study
Well I was shocked today to see the sun!!! It was so pretty. By the time I got home from work and ran inside to get my camera, the sun had gone down. But I think you'll get the point from this pic.

We bought a Wii Fit last Friday. I've used it twice up to today. Planning to get more with it. Funny how you start blogging you start looking for ANY reason to take a picture. So below is a pic from the Wii Fit that shows all 5 of us as our Mii's. I thought it was cute. The pic didn't turn out too great.

I'm totally nuts about our Wii Fit. This week-end I'm planning to buy the My Weight Loss Coach for my Nintendo DS. It comes with a Pedometer and I can wear it when I walk and then upload it to my Nintendo DS. I can also get that info and put it on my activity log with the Wii Fit and it counts towards my activity goal and workout.
Well I apologize not posting on the Bible Study here lately. I've had to miss 3 weeks in a row. So as soon as I can get back at it, I'll start posting again on it.
I hope you all have a great week-end!

We bought a Wii Fit last Friday. I've used it twice up to today. Planning to get more with it. Funny how you start blogging you start looking for ANY reason to take a picture. So below is a pic from the Wii Fit that shows all 5 of us as our Mii's. I thought it was cute. The pic didn't turn out too great.

I'm totally nuts about our Wii Fit. This week-end I'm planning to buy the My Weight Loss Coach for my Nintendo DS. It comes with a Pedometer and I can wear it when I walk and then upload it to my Nintendo DS. I can also get that info and put it on my activity log with the Wii Fit and it counts towards my activity goal and workout.
Well I apologize not posting on the Bible Study here lately. I've had to miss 3 weeks in a row. So as soon as I can get back at it, I'll start posting again on it.
I hope you all have a great week-end!
Monday, January 26, 2009
New Blog/Helping
Hi everyone in blogland! Just wanted to let you know that I am helping my dad with his blog. See to the right. It's called My Journey to Havasu Falls. You'll have to check it out to see what it's about.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sushi Night
At least once a month my best friend Misty and I venture out to our FAVORITE sushi restaurant. We like to just have time to be with each other and no hubbies or kids. We get to have laughs and vents and anything else. We always have Miso soup and then at least 4 sushi things. We keep a list of their menu so each time we go we have to try something new. I didn't get a pic of the first two we had, but I did of the second one. This is Tiger Roll and Cucumber Roll. YUM!!!!! It's just nice knowing that we can count on getting together once a month.

Sunday, January 18, 2009
1 Year Ago!
One year ago was Robert's wreck. Shelby was with him, and I was driving in front of them. In my rear view mirror I saw the whole accident happen. As I shared before the good Lord carried me as I got out of my van and realized that Robert's truck had rolled over to the driver's side. He carried me down there as I cried and screamed NO! To see them alive and to hear my sweet girl scream for me and cry was music to my ears. No I didn't want my child to be hurt and scared, but to know she was alive since she took the impact was worth hearing her scream for me. The Lord held me up while I held Robert up because all he could say was he hurt his baby. The truck did have emotional value to us because Robert's dad got it 3 months before he died and Robert was lucky that his brother and sister decided to let him have it. At least Robert got to drive his dad's truck from May 2007 until January of 2008. I know Neal had to be riding with him some. :) I wanted to post the pic one more time as a reminder to myself and everyone else how easily they both could've been hurt, especially Shelby. How I feel incredibly lucky and count my blessings every day that the good Lord did not take my best friend and He didn't take my baby girl. He's not done with them here on Earth just yet. :)

Prayer request: Jill Hamilton (Senior Associate Pastor's wife at our church) - We just found out this past week-end she has cancer. It has not been made known what type. Dennis in our Hand and Foot Group - His dad's kidneys quit functioning and so it's getting close to him passing on. Myself - I have been having some issues with my stomach and being cold all the time. Right now I'm just logging my symptoms in a book but it's been going on awhile.

Prayer request: Jill Hamilton (Senior Associate Pastor's wife at our church) - We just found out this past week-end she has cancer. It has not been made known what type. Dennis in our Hand and Foot Group - His dad's kidneys quit functioning and so it's getting close to him passing on. Myself - I have been having some issues with my stomach and being cold all the time. Right now I'm just logging my symptoms in a book but it's been going on awhile.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Big Celebration of Me
Well I figured it's time to spill the beans now.
On February 25th I will be baptized (again) at our church. This is a cleansing moment for me. I was saved and baptized when I was 15 years of age. I have made choices after that, that were not wised to make and even though God has forgiven me and does not keep a record of my wrongs, this is something I feel I must do for myself. It wasn't until this fall that I took a bible study called Total Forgiveness. I thought yeah I'll do this because there are a few people I haven't felt like I had totally forgiven or have a hard time forgiven. Well God had a plan for me (as always :) ). This was for me to learn that before I can forgive other people, I must forgive myself. I never really thought that I was holding myself a grudge. Apparently I have been. I'm ready to say good-bye to the old and welcome the new, and I'm ready to let the little girl in me know that it's okay.
I'm competitive by nature. I did not discover this about myself until I sold Pampered Chef. I love seeing my name at the top of the sales list, and I love seeing my name at work for recognition of something. Who doesn't like to be appreciated and recognized? Well a AH HA moment for me was the only place that REALLY matters that my name is shown is in the book of life. Did I make it on Jesus' book by my name?
I still like to know I'm appreciated and recognize, but now it's not the only thing. :)
As I've said many times before I'm excited about what the Lord is doing in my life. The best part that I almost forgot to mention.... My hubby gets to take part in the baptism. The joke is he can dunk me, but the pastor is not responsible for if Robert doesn't bring me back up. :) I'm excited to be able to share this with the man of my life, who's my best friend, and completes me.
So mark the date! February 25th at New Life Church, 6:00 p.m. (may change to 6:30 p.m.)
On February 25th I will be baptized (again) at our church. This is a cleansing moment for me. I was saved and baptized when I was 15 years of age. I have made choices after that, that were not wised to make and even though God has forgiven me and does not keep a record of my wrongs, this is something I feel I must do for myself. It wasn't until this fall that I took a bible study called Total Forgiveness. I thought yeah I'll do this because there are a few people I haven't felt like I had totally forgiven or have a hard time forgiven. Well God had a plan for me (as always :) ). This was for me to learn that before I can forgive other people, I must forgive myself. I never really thought that I was holding myself a grudge. Apparently I have been. I'm ready to say good-bye to the old and welcome the new, and I'm ready to let the little girl in me know that it's okay.
I'm competitive by nature. I did not discover this about myself until I sold Pampered Chef. I love seeing my name at the top of the sales list, and I love seeing my name at work for recognition of something. Who doesn't like to be appreciated and recognized? Well a AH HA moment for me was the only place that REALLY matters that my name is shown is in the book of life. Did I make it on Jesus' book by my name?
I still like to know I'm appreciated and recognize, but now it's not the only thing. :)
As I've said many times before I'm excited about what the Lord is doing in my life. The best part that I almost forgot to mention.... My hubby gets to take part in the baptism. The joke is he can dunk me, but the pastor is not responsible for if Robert doesn't bring me back up. :) I'm excited to be able to share this with the man of my life, who's my best friend, and completes me.
So mark the date! February 25th at New Life Church, 6:00 p.m. (may change to 6:30 p.m.)
#4 is Really Not a Bad Thing!!!
Shelby and I received some great news. Let me give you some background info first.
Shelby has gone to Arkansas Baptist (private school) since K4. She's been at this school for 11 years. Same kids pretty much for each grade. Well Shelby was ready for a change that I have had to literally pray about each day for her. I told her the ONLY public school I would allow her to go to would be Parkview. That if she can't get in then she had to stay at Arkansas Baptist. Arkansas Baptist doesn't have a strong art department and Shelby is really into her drawing. She's very good as well. Parkview has a strong art department. You may be saying well Pamela hearing and being in God's word is more important then art. Yes that's very true. Shelby is really grounded in roots with Arkansas Baptist, is a leader, she's not easily persuaded from what she believes, and I think she will be able to do this. I went at the end of November or beginning of December to apply for her to go to Parkview. It's the scariest thing I've done. We also took Shelby on a tour and again it was scary. Like I said I had to pray every day for this. I made Shelby's first choice Visual Arts, 2nd choice Choir, and 3rd choice Drama (you get 3 choices of area of interest at Parkview). Parkview is also a magnet school.
My prayer has simply been this: Lord if it's meant to be I will put my faith in you. If you want her to go there to do good work for you then I'm behind it. If she can bring one kid to know you as their Savior, then it's worth it.
Well I guess the Lord heard it and feels what I pray and Shelby is #4 on the waiting list. We had to hope that she would be 3 to 5 on waiting list to know she had a chance to get in, and she's #4!!!!!! Hallejuah!!!! Shelby knows who her Savior is and accepted Jesus in her heart when she was in 2nd grade. She's an awesome kid.
Here are a couple of pics to show you how truly excited she is!

How cute!

Way to go Shelby! I'm excited to see what the Lord has planned for you! I love you baby girl! Keep your head up high!
Shelby has gone to Arkansas Baptist (private school) since K4. She's been at this school for 11 years. Same kids pretty much for each grade. Well Shelby was ready for a change that I have had to literally pray about each day for her. I told her the ONLY public school I would allow her to go to would be Parkview. That if she can't get in then she had to stay at Arkansas Baptist. Arkansas Baptist doesn't have a strong art department and Shelby is really into her drawing. She's very good as well. Parkview has a strong art department. You may be saying well Pamela hearing and being in God's word is more important then art. Yes that's very true. Shelby is really grounded in roots with Arkansas Baptist, is a leader, she's not easily persuaded from what she believes, and I think she will be able to do this. I went at the end of November or beginning of December to apply for her to go to Parkview. It's the scariest thing I've done. We also took Shelby on a tour and again it was scary. Like I said I had to pray every day for this. I made Shelby's first choice Visual Arts, 2nd choice Choir, and 3rd choice Drama (you get 3 choices of area of interest at Parkview). Parkview is also a magnet school.
My prayer has simply been this: Lord if it's meant to be I will put my faith in you. If you want her to go there to do good work for you then I'm behind it. If she can bring one kid to know you as their Savior, then it's worth it.
Well I guess the Lord heard it and feels what I pray and Shelby is #4 on the waiting list. We had to hope that she would be 3 to 5 on waiting list to know she had a chance to get in, and she's #4!!!!!! Hallejuah!!!! Shelby knows who her Savior is and accepted Jesus in her heart when she was in 2nd grade. She's an awesome kid.
Here are a couple of pics to show you how truly excited she is!

How cute!

Way to go Shelby! I'm excited to see what the Lord has planned for you! I love you baby girl! Keep your head up high!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Update on Double Vision
Well we found the little pup's home. We had nicknamed him Max. I bet he's soooooo confused on his name now. ha ha!! So hopefully they'll take better care of him. Supposebly he had only been missing two days. We shall see. I know Hammy is happier now. He was almost in need of a Prozac ha!!! I'm excited that I'll get to sleep after last night. The pup had me up around midnight and then he wouldn't go back in his kennel and be quiet. So Shelby helped me out. Thanks babe!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Double Vision?
Well we had a little vistor show up at our house today. Another maltese!!! We don't have a clue where he came from. He is so cute!!! He feels really small, like he has been missing a few days. He was very thirsty and hungry. His hair is all matted. He has a little pony tail on top of his head and so it appears he might've been groomed. We have posted signs saying "Found White Male Dog" with Robert's cell phone number and so hopefully his owner will see the signs and call us. Don't you think they look a like?

This one looks like Hammy is looking in a mirror....

Immediately the girls (and I) were thinking of names for him (Fluffy (after mom's dog), Runt, Sammy and Max). The girls were already saying dad if you let us keep him then we won't ask for anything for our birthday or Christmas. Or dad if you'll let us keep him we'll take care of him and so forth.
It got me to thinking funny how sometimes our relationship can be that way with God. "If only you do this God then I'll never........" or "Just this one time God if you'll allow this to happen then I'll........". Funny how sometimes God puts things in our lives as a little reminder or to view how we must treat Him sometimes. Thank goodness He's such a forgiving God and sometimes we go through the hardships because we come out on the other end stronger. There was a lesson from God to mature us a little more and to put our faith in Him. God can bring me anything that brings Him glory.
Well whoever this little guy belongs to, I hope he's much loved like our Hammy is. I'll keep you updated what happens in the next week.

This one looks like Hammy is looking in a mirror....

Immediately the girls (and I) were thinking of names for him (Fluffy (after mom's dog), Runt, Sammy and Max). The girls were already saying dad if you let us keep him then we won't ask for anything for our birthday or Christmas. Or dad if you'll let us keep him we'll take care of him and so forth.
It got me to thinking funny how sometimes our relationship can be that way with God. "If only you do this God then I'll never........" or "Just this one time God if you'll allow this to happen then I'll........". Funny how sometimes God puts things in our lives as a little reminder or to view how we must treat Him sometimes. Thank goodness He's such a forgiving God and sometimes we go through the hardships because we come out on the other end stronger. There was a lesson from God to mature us a little more and to put our faith in Him. God can bring me anything that brings Him glory.
Well whoever this little guy belongs to, I hope he's much loved like our Hammy is. I'll keep you updated what happens in the next week.

Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Things I Cherish That I Sometimes Take for Granted....
I thought I would share some things with you that I love and cherish with my family that I might sometimes take for granted. When I sit down and really think about things I realize how much the Lord has truly blessed me.
1) Laying on Robert's shoulder.
2) The quick tender kiss as he leaves for work in the mornings.
3) The smell of his jacket with his cologne.
4) His laughter that fills the house when he gets tickled by something on the tv.
5) Robert kissing my forehead. (My absolute favorite!)
6) The look that only him & I share that says everything we're thinking without having to speak a word.
7) The girls laughter throughout the house.
8) Harley & Ashley hanging out in their bedrooms putting on make-up.
9) Seeing scary movies with Shelby and our special talks that we have.
10) The smell of their fresh skin from a shower.
11) Taking Harley to school and having special talks with her.
12) Shelby cuddling in the bed with me right before she has to go to bed and neither of us having to say a word.
13) Hammy's puppy breath.
14) The smell and softness of Hammy's fur.
15) The unconditional love & always having an overwhelming excitement to see me.
16) Hammy's security of having his stuff puppy and we have to search for it before bedtime before he has to go to sleep.
These are just a few things I cherish.
1) Laying on Robert's shoulder.
2) The quick tender kiss as he leaves for work in the mornings.
3) The smell of his jacket with his cologne.
4) His laughter that fills the house when he gets tickled by something on the tv.
5) Robert kissing my forehead. (My absolute favorite!)
6) The look that only him & I share that says everything we're thinking without having to speak a word.
7) The girls laughter throughout the house.
8) Harley & Ashley hanging out in their bedrooms putting on make-up.
9) Seeing scary movies with Shelby and our special talks that we have.
10) The smell of their fresh skin from a shower.
11) Taking Harley to school and having special talks with her.
12) Shelby cuddling in the bed with me right before she has to go to bed and neither of us having to say a word.
13) Hammy's puppy breath.
14) The smell and softness of Hammy's fur.
15) The unconditional love & always having an overwhelming excitement to see me.
16) Hammy's security of having his stuff puppy and we have to search for it before bedtime before he has to go to sleep.
These are just a few things I cherish.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Friday & Friends
I've had a busy Friday!
The good Lord has blessed me by putting a new special friend in my life. Darla is in mine and Robert's Life Group called Hand & Foot. She is now our part-time afternoon switchboard receptionist at my work. She is becoming a very special friend in my life. One that I feel I can talk to about anything and she won't judge me.

Robert is part of the Wired team at church. He does the camera work for them. They had a party for all the volunteers. It was really nice and we had many laughs as well.

When I got home from the party, my best friend Misty called and had the house to herself with no kids and no hubby. We now take advantage of getting together since we both live in Maumelle now. We watched Elizabeth Town and had some wine. It was really nice to get to hang out with her. We also tried out a feature on my camera that I hadn't used yet. The self-timer. I think it came out really good!!

We decided to have a toast to quiet time, best friends, great movie, and great laughs!

I always have the best of times with her. What a way to end my Friday! :)
The good Lord has blessed me by putting a new special friend in my life. Darla is in mine and Robert's Life Group called Hand & Foot. She is now our part-time afternoon switchboard receptionist at my work. She is becoming a very special friend in my life. One that I feel I can talk to about anything and she won't judge me.

Robert is part of the Wired team at church. He does the camera work for them. They had a party for all the volunteers. It was really nice and we had many laughs as well.

When I got home from the party, my best friend Misty called and had the house to herself with no kids and no hubby. We now take advantage of getting together since we both live in Maumelle now. We watched Elizabeth Town and had some wine. It was really nice to get to hang out with her. We also tried out a feature on my camera that I hadn't used yet. The self-timer. I think it came out really good!!

We decided to have a toast to quiet time, best friends, great movie, and great laughs!

I always have the best of times with her. What a way to end my Friday! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Faith of a Blog & Bible Study
I hope many of you will notice a new blog I added to the right. Called Bring the Rain. I don't know this lady and I don't know if we'll ever talk, but I have gained a lot of faith in our creator so much today. This woman has touched my life in ways she will possibly never know. I've been struggling with issues myself here lately and discovering and reading her blog reminded me that nothing is perfect here, and there are going to be struggles and heartaches until we go home to eternity with him. As she quoted Mercy Me in Bring On the Rain, that if this is what we have to go through to draw closer to Him with the pain and what it takes to praise you then bring on the rain. If you're an easy to cry then have a box of kleenexes ready. I know I have shed tears and this event happened back in April. I love how she draws you in as if you're right there with her. Please let me know what you think as well.
I also started a bible study with my sister-in-law called Esther on Wednesday nights at 6:15. It's a new one by Beth Moore. Ladies, this is what we need! Esther - It's Tough Being A Woman. I might start talking more about this bible study to let you know any eye openers that I'm experiencing. My favorite quote she did last night "Esther gives estrogen". HA! I also learn a great quick definition of hope in biblical terms: Anxious Expectation. Well dear Lord I'm hopeful every day in anxious expectation of meeting you! Coincidences are miracles where God prefers to remain anonymous. Well that to me is He's always there in the background regardless if we know it or not. Trust the providence without a miracle.
Scenario #1 for this week is "It's tough to be a woman in another woman's shadow".
I look forward to sharing with you more. Please let me know if you like this. Something new I'm trying. I would like to know any prayer requests as well. I have one: Shelby has some sort of infection and has to stay out of school until Monday. Please pray that the good Lord will heal her. Have a blessed night!
I also started a bible study with my sister-in-law called Esther on Wednesday nights at 6:15. It's a new one by Beth Moore. Ladies, this is what we need! Esther - It's Tough Being A Woman. I might start talking more about this bible study to let you know any eye openers that I'm experiencing. My favorite quote she did last night "Esther gives estrogen". HA! I also learn a great quick definition of hope in biblical terms: Anxious Expectation. Well dear Lord I'm hopeful every day in anxious expectation of meeting you! Coincidences are miracles where God prefers to remain anonymous. Well that to me is He's always there in the background regardless if we know it or not. Trust the providence without a miracle.
Scenario #1 for this week is "It's tough to be a woman in another woman's shadow".
I look forward to sharing with you more. Please let me know if you like this. Something new I'm trying. I would like to know any prayer requests as well. I have one: Shelby has some sort of infection and has to stay out of school until Monday. Please pray that the good Lord will heal her. Have a blessed night!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Comments Part
Hey everyone! Did you know you can click on the "Comments" part at the end of each post? Just in case you want to share your point of view OR want to just share your thoughts of my post I would love to see it!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Recap of 2008
What a year it has been! I can't believe it's 2009! Happy New Year!
I wanted to take a moment and recap 2008. I wanted to share our many blessings we have had this past year.
January - Robert & Shelby were in a wreck on January 18th. We count our blessings everyday that they were able to walk away from the wreck with just bruises and soreness. Shelby had us worried when they took her by ambulance, but God had His hands on her the whole time. God held this worried mother/wife up when she wanted to fall completely apart after witnessing the wreck (see blog from 1/18). God is so good.

May - We found our new church home at New Life Church. We love the warmness and welcome that we received. We love hearing what Pastor Rick is going to preach about. The kids love their groups that they are involved with.
August - Our family vacation!!! We had such a great time! We went to Eureka Springs.

Shelby turned 14!

And Hammy turned 2!!

September - Robert and I celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary! Hallejuah!! :) I am married to my best friend, and the greatest hubby!
October - Robert celebrated his birthday (won't tell you how old!) on October 8th. And unfortunately my best friend Teresa's house caught on fire the same day! They've come a long ways, but still have a ways to go to getting their own place again. They feel blessed that no one was hurt and I feel incredibly blessed that I could help them out AND that I still have my best friend around. :''-)
We also started our life group and have made many new friends and feel so blessed to be involved with this life group.
November - Well I got to celebrate my 34th birthday! The teenagers in Shelby's Real Life group thinks I look so young and that I'm Shelby's sister. So yes I will admit my age for now. :)
Ashley turned 11!!

And we got to share Thanksgiving with our family for another year!
December - Harley turned 12 and can now wear make-up!!!

We got to celebrate Christmas with our family on Christmas day with a family get together for the 1st time in our new home!

And we got to finish out 2008 with our new friends with our Life Group Hand and Foot! Plus it was our first big party in our new home!

I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for us Floyd's this year! Hopefully it will be a year of peace, harmony, and love.
Happy New Year Everyone!
I wanted to take a moment and recap 2008. I wanted to share our many blessings we have had this past year.
January - Robert & Shelby were in a wreck on January 18th. We count our blessings everyday that they were able to walk away from the wreck with just bruises and soreness. Shelby had us worried when they took her by ambulance, but God had His hands on her the whole time. God held this worried mother/wife up when she wanted to fall completely apart after witnessing the wreck (see blog from 1/18). God is so good.

May - We found our new church home at New Life Church. We love the warmness and welcome that we received. We love hearing what Pastor Rick is going to preach about. The kids love their groups that they are involved with.
August - Our family vacation!!! We had such a great time! We went to Eureka Springs.

Shelby turned 14!

And Hammy turned 2!!

September - Robert and I celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary! Hallejuah!! :) I am married to my best friend, and the greatest hubby!
October - Robert celebrated his birthday (won't tell you how old!) on October 8th. And unfortunately my best friend Teresa's house caught on fire the same day! They've come a long ways, but still have a ways to go to getting their own place again. They feel blessed that no one was hurt and I feel incredibly blessed that I could help them out AND that I still have my best friend around. :''-)
We also started our life group and have made many new friends and feel so blessed to be involved with this life group.
November - Well I got to celebrate my 34th birthday! The teenagers in Shelby's Real Life group thinks I look so young and that I'm Shelby's sister. So yes I will admit my age for now. :)
Ashley turned 11!!

And we got to share Thanksgiving with our family for another year!
December - Harley turned 12 and can now wear make-up!!!

We got to celebrate Christmas with our family on Christmas day with a family get together for the 1st time in our new home!

And we got to finish out 2008 with our new friends with our Life Group Hand and Foot! Plus it was our first big party in our new home!

I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for us Floyd's this year! Hopefully it will be a year of peace, harmony, and love.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Hand and Foot New Year's Party!!!
Robert and I joined a life group with our church called "Hand and Foot". It's a card game group and we meet the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. Robert and I are addicted and feel so blessed in having the people in this group a part of our lives.
By the way, we had 21 people in our house not counting us! :) It was so much fun ringing in the New Year with our new friends.
This was hanging above my garage door.
Robert and I got a kick at watching Hammy growl and bark at the balloons on the mail box.
Todd is on the left and was Robert's partner. We love picking on Todd!
Everyone was playing and as it got closer to midnight everyone started getting their hats and gear ready to ring in the New Year!
Larry on the left and Gary on the right.

Here's our group! Even Hammy got in there! I had to get on a chair so you could see me! :) (You can double click on the pic to make it bigger.)
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