I got to go to the Gaither Homecoming concert with my mom, my granny, and my favorite aunt. I was with 3 over 60 women...... :) But hey, they CRACK me up!! They are so much fun and I love all 3 of them.

My mom is on the left and my granny on the right.

I couldn't ever get a full face pic of my aunt. Always a side profile. She loved every minute of the concert. This was her FIRST concert she had ever been too....

And of course me. I was trying to get my aunt to look, but she was more interested in the concert..... :)
It was very enjoyable even if I didn't know all of the songs. Here were my favs. Can't remember their name, but I liked them.

I thought this guy was good looking.... Not as cute as my hubby of course.

This awesome piano player is blind and he totally rocked on the piano!

This lady had a testimony that rocked. She has been cancer free for a year now.

These guys really cracked me up. They were cute and very good at singing.

I LOVED this guy's jacket. So cool!

This lady's voice really made me think of my bible study leader. She was VERY good.
Yes I was the youngest, yes I didn't know most of the song, BUT I had a great time hanging out with my 3 favorite ladies!!!