I had a yard sale this past week-end (see previous post). I earned enough to get a new nano ipod holder because my other one was tearing up on me from using it so much. This one is nice and soft and manageable.
Looks like this!

BUT my favorite purchase from the yard sale money was getting the EA Active for our WII! I'm telling you, if you want a good work out, something that gets your heart pumping, this is it!!!

I'm doing the 30 day challenge and like my walking it has two rest days in there too! It's Tuesday's and Friday's. It is soooooooooooooooooo worth the money!
Of course this gadget is my favorite when I walk (I HEART GADGETS!!).

I just found this gadget by searching for my ipod holder and I think this will be my next reward for myself! Got to hold myself accountable and I find this easy to do with a reward dangling out in front of me. $30 and it is so cool!! You ask how could I be so excite about a water tumbler? Because it does this: - Calculates your personal hydration needs, - Tracks your fluid consumption through the day, - Paces and motivates you to ensure hydration goals are met.

Yes I'm a gadget geek!