Friday, April 3, 2009

Walking Through A Valley......

I've had a very hard past two days. Two of my FA's (father and daughter) left the firm today. I found out last night so that's why I say two days. Plus, they let go one of my friends at work who had been there 20+ years. I'm just very sad to see my 3 friends go even though I certainly understand. I did not sleep at all last night until about 5 this morning. I spent much of the night in prayer. I felt that God needed me to meet Him there.

God has been taking care of me behind the scenes. Isn't He amazing???? This is my first real recognized testimonial how God has had a part in this all the way. I took on two more FA's early in the week, who are willing to pay me extra and I was stressing at the load of working for 5 brokers instead of 3. Louis & Syd were paying me extra before they left. So there's where God stepped in. We have a big tax refund coming which we normally don't get a big one. God stepped in for the lagged time between the extra pay. Plus, Louis was kind enough to give me a big bonus before he left. Again God is there.

Right now my Savior is carrying me. Funny how I got a devotion today to sum it all up. The title???? Walking Through A Valley. I am amazed how God finds a way to talk to me. And He is carrying me as I walk through this valley, the valley of unknown.

So yes, today has been a sad one, but my faith is in the Lord.

"Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell." Psalm 43:3

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